12:50 - THE NEWS! CalPERS is getting closer to hiring a new CIO and other big developments that will come in the new year.
24:59 - Trend #1 - 2022 should be the year when fiduciary investors' commitments to go net-zero and fossil fuel free actually get some teeth.
29:36 - Trend #2 - Robinhood's acquisition of Say Technologies might herald a new era of retail-driven shareholder engagement.
33:01 - Trend #3 - Tools and techniques for facilitating long-termism go mainstream thanks to the Long-Term Stock Exchange, Sequoia Fund, and growing adoption of ESG among long-term investors
36:44 - Trend #4 - Earth gets a black box to trace earth's unfolding climate crisis as it unfolds, recording data that future civilizations can find and learn from about how we reckoned with existential threats.
40:40 - Trend #5 - Investment decision-making shifts formally from a process-based model to a data-driven decision model (and Ashby explains what that means).
46:41 - Trend #6 - Sustainable investing starts getting real (and Sloane explains what that means).
52:30 - HARD THINGS - Sloane and Ashby talk about the challenges they've encountered in their respective projects
1:01:17 - Listener question #1 - Did you change your mind about anything big this year?
1:05:30 - Listener question #2 - What's your favorite desk toy?
1:07:10 - Listener question #3 - If you could go back in time and kill the person who ate and/or had sex with a pangolin to start the pandemic, would you? Nobody would know you did it.
1:11:02 - THE GARDEN TIP
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